Tuesday, March 21, 2006

good news for people who like good news

okay, nobody likes the long, expository blogs. well, check this out. here's a positive, upbeat blog for once.

a local bookstore, zakka, is carrying my comic

daniel johnston was released from hospital (also saw a poster for the film, see to left)

i saw a nice exhibit at MOCCA

saw chip kidd book show at cooper union (coop, coop, coop)

i got an email from one of my design heroes art chantry

Monday, March 13, 2006

klingons off the starboard bow

Which Star Trek Character Are You?
You are An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
90% Geordi LaForge
90% Mr. Scott
75% Deanna Troi
75% Spock
64% Data
63% Jean-Luc Picard
60% Worf
55% Chekov
50% Will Riker
45% Leonard McCoy (Bones)
45% Beverly Crusher
45% Uhura
40% Mr. Sulu
40% James T. Kirk (Captain)
25% Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed, and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable.
That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first episode you appeared in.

okay, i can accept this but i have to take exception with it. allow me to make my case.

i'll admit i've gone through start trek periods in my life. when i was younger, before videos, before star wars, star trek was the only thing on worth watching on sundays. i remember the redshirts and have joked about them myself. however i think of this as one of those cases of growing older, hopefully wiser, and realizing the more one knows, the less one knows.

i think it's kind of crazy, but so appropriate in this horrible age of abuse and decay, that someone who performs what is acknowledged as an important job can be killed off with nary a thought to those on board the enterprise. the redshirt, or average person, has much more worth and soul than is given credit for on the series. alfred hitchcock made a career of showing people who would have been redshirts in the 25th century, or whenever the hell the show takes place. but these normal, everyday people showed what they were worth as dozens of killers and entire governments were out to get them. it's the redshirts who rise up when the going gets tough, by sheer force of will and tenacity. just so they can get back to dinner with the family and to wash the car on the weekend. unless they happened to be gunned down bloodlessly by a phaser gun wielding thug.

yet kirk is the one who gets all the glory because he lives like a type-a command and control leader 24/7, and people love that shit. i forgot who said it but it's applicable in this case to the kirk type vs. a redshirt: anyone can be a hero, it is the day to day grind that really takes its toll. i bet yasujiro ozu could have done an epic about the afternoon in the life of a so-called redshirt.

you know what, i proud to be a redshirt. as cheesy as the show was, it was probably better to be killed off at the beginning of an episode anyway, so one could piss off to a bar before noon. call it a day and start living, i say.

redshirts unite! we shall stand tall and not accept defeat by blindly following our misguided leaders. we will question the reasoning of ours orders, we will look for an escape route, and if we have to, wear a different colored shirt. in short, we shall live longer and prosper!!!

shout out to lilly for providing the site in the first place.
here's the link the the damnable thing. take the star trek quiz at your own risk.

Friday, March 03, 2006

oscar meyer weiners

it has been over a month since my last proper blog. i wanted to get back into things with a fairly upbeat post, but i can't find a working link to the blamed star trek personality quiz (could somebody help a brother out?!).

so in honor (wait for it...) of the upcoming oscar charade (ah, yes), i would like to proffer a list of award winners of recent memory which a) i have not seen and b) have no interest of seeing for as long as i live, for ever and ever, amen.

driving miss daisy 1989
i have seen a fair amount of winners from at least the 50s on, but the first one i passed on was driving miss daisy. i picture torturous, never ending bickering about age, race, the south and all the other shit that gets in the way of living. i pretty much guess there's going to be some pat life lesson. plus at the time i was pretty much into going clubbing and messing around with the ladies. oh god, why did i waste so much time?

the english patient 1996
to me this one reeked of pretension and high drama (ralph fiennes AND kristin scott thomas? how could theaters not implode?). couldn't get up the emotional resolve to see it.

titanic 1997
there must have been somthing going on in my life, cause i don't mind a little winslet now and then. the biggest motion picture of all time. and i haven't seen it! take that hollywood! fuck you, dicaprio!

chicago 2002
this is one that would have to get spousal approval to co-watch and neither of us are that interested. any reccomendations?

million dollar baby 2004
i've seen clint's best work: the westerns, dirty harry. i'm not a big fan of swanky, though and as much as i like morgan freeman, PLEASE TRY PLAYING A DIFFERENT CHARACTER! plus i heard it has a sad ending. and i'm into bitter sweet these days.

and the most recent movie i have not seen, is whatever wins this year!
seriosly. i have a three year old. i'll be lucky to get to see the curious george movie.

finally i have one thing i want to share, which is that i passed someone who looked a lot like ricky g. in soho today. come to find out he's on letterman tonight. i've been pretty chuffed about it all day for some reason.